Amazon DVD Rental

I joined the new (to the UK) Amazon DVD rental scheme this week. Here’s how it works:

Amazon take £10 a month from my debit card each month. In exchange, they send me 6 DVDs a month, I can have 3 at home at any one time. I also set up a rental list of DVDs I want to see, and as I return them, Amazon send me the next available one to me. All the postage is covered by Amazon, so it really does only cost about £1.60 per DVD.

I ordered the following for my first three this month:

  • Fargo
  • Kill Bill Vol. 1 and
  • Shaun of the Dead

Will update on how it goes. I have often thought I don’t watch enough films, and this is a great way to catch up on some really good quality ones – the selection available at Amazon is amazing and offers far more choice than you could ever get at Blockbusters or Choices or wherever.