Performancing: 10 Tips for More Blog Traffic

The Performancing blog is a useful resource for bloggers, often with some good advice. This selection of tips includes some interesting stuff. Here’s the first 5 as a taster:

    1. Claim your blog at services like Technorati. Fill in all keywords for every single blog!
    2. Use Ping services like PinGoat (important changes announced!) or Ping-O-Matic. These two and more are optional services are integrated in the publishing workflow of Performancing for Firefox (PFF).
    3. Use FeedBurner for your RSS publishing. They offer nice optimization, publishing and statistical features.
    4. Bookmark every article at (and other appropriate bookmarking services). That service is also integrated in the publishing workflow of Performancing for Firefox (PFF). As PFF is not giving the option to fill out the ‘notes’ field it is a good idea to edit that bookmark manually and add some excerpt to it! The question came up if linking every article to would be aggressive? Remember that you post your article link to your personal profile. What can be wrong about that?
    5. Use extensive tagging and keywording inside your articles and on services like bookmarking and Technorati tagging is also integrated in the publishing workflow of Performancing for Firefox (PFF). I get pretty much of my traffic through people who are subscribing or
      clicking on certain tags and also some traffic from certain tags in my personal profile.