My Ten Thoughts on Successful Blogging: Redux

The one blog post I have written which got the most attention was on my old blog, called ‘My Ten Thoughts on Successful Blogging’. It received quite a few links and comments, and it was pretty clear that I had got a few things wrong. So, taking some criticisms from the original post, and adding in some of the stuff I have learnt over the last year or so, I thought I would give it another go.

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Today, I have been doing some work on a side blogging project that I have been thinking about for a while. I’d got the remit of the blog sorted, a name, decided (as usual) on WordPress and on the K2 theme. Everything sorted. So, I went to my webhosts domain registry page, and looked up … Keep reading

links for 2006-04-21 — From Weblog to CMS with WordPress (tags: wordpress cms)

Back to the drawing board

Since Lee (who is rapidly losing my respect) has pooh-poohed my earlier attempt at a logo for B.O.L.L.O.C.K.S., and even Amsterdam-resident Neville thought it a little on the risque-side, I have attempted another one. I thought this might suitably reflect the feelings of most Bollockers (is that the right collective noun?). Thoughts, chaps?

Clear your desk(top)

AJ’s blog features a nice piece on keeping your desktop free. It’s Windows specific, but the principles could be applied to any OS, I guess. I am with him on this one. The idea of having icons on the desktop is inefficient and, well, rubbish. I use my desktop purely as a temporary holding station … Keep reading