MyBlogLog to Yahoo!

MyBlogLog is the cool site that lets you make communities out of the people that visit your website. We’re listed there, and if you are registered, you’ll probably be able to see your photo down the right-hand side of the site somewhere.

Well, like all cool Web2.0 startups, they’ve been bought up. And like Flickr, and countless others, the purchaser is Yahoo!. Here’s some details from the MyBlogLogBlog:

Yahoo! is going to put loads of resources into MyBlogLog and help us roll out a ton of new features. Plus, we’re moving to their infrastructure, which should help with those occasional slowdowns.We are not going to become one of those corporate casualties that never make another step forward. We are hard at work on the custom communities and soon everyone will be able to skin their community to look like their own blog or site.

Good for them! Mike Arrington reckons the deal was worth something like $10 million. He goes on:

The fact that MyBlogLog will be in the Yahoo Developers Network is a good signal. Yahoo’s recent acquisitions have been handled pretty well from a user-care standpoint, and it looks like they’ll be taking a similar approach here. Bradley did say that eventually users will be able to log in with their Yahoo IDs, though. That will expand the potential user base significantly.

Congratulations to the MyBlogLog team. This thing took off like a rocket and never looked back, and we are a proud member.

Hopefully MyBlogLog will be able to continue to grow within Yahoo! and provide an even better service in the future. As for what Yahoo! get out of it, well, I wonder if all the recent interest in site metrics has something to do with it…

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