LibDems launch Manifesto Conversation

The BBC points out a new site the Liberal Democrats have set up to discuss their manifesto for the next election.

MP Steve Webb, running the web-based project, said it would help frame “detailed policy”, but that the party would retain its core principles.

Subjects discussed so far include whether to scrap short prison sentences and how to reform inheritance tax.

Members of all parties were “fed up with being taken for granted”, said Mr Webb, who is writing the manifesto.

The Liberal Democrat Manifesto Consultation site is open to the 67,000 party members, with 20,000 being emailed this week.

The aim is to produce an online manifesto at least several months before the next general election, which has to take place by 2010.

Even better – the site is running WordPress!

[tags]liberal democrats, manifesto, steve webb, wordpress[/tags]