A couple of weeks ago, I noted the new Lib Dem’s manifesto website, which pleased me as it ran on WordPress. Well, thanks to Guido I have come across two more WP powered sites maintained by the Liberal Democrats.
The first is Corruption is a Crime:
For far too long, it’s been acceptable to turn a blind eye to corruption when it comes to foreign contracts. The Liberal Democrats believe that corruption is a crime and should be stopped. Allegations of serious corruption must be fully investigated.
The second is Home Office Watch:
Welcome to the Home Office Watch blog, a single repository of all the shambolic errors and mistakes made by the British Home Office compiled from Parliamentary Questions, news reports, and tip-offs by the Liberal Democrat Home Affairs team.
Interesting to see that a political party has cottoned onto the fact that you don’t need expensive bespoke solutions to get a social media site up and running. WordPress is free and fast.