Local Government Glossary

I facilitate the Community of Practice for Social Media and Online Collaboration over at the Improvement and Development Agency. We are a pretty new group, though with over 40 members, we aren’t doing too badly.

The aim of the group is to introduce people to social media tools and techniques and how they could be used within local government; and providing news and views on the latest developments in Web 2.0 type stuff.

We are also involved in a couple of projects, one of which is producing a community edited guide to social media, using the CoP’s wiki facility.

The other project has just been launched, and is really quite exciting, is the Local Government Glossary. This is a wiki based dictionary of local government terms and jargon, which we hope will become a Wikipedia for local government. We can but dream.

Anyway, the Glossary is hosted on the excellent Wikispaces, so it’s open to all – all you have to do is register and then you are free to start adding your knowledge and sharing it with the world!