Best British football ground…

…is of course the home of the mighty Reds, at least according to The Guardian:

1) The City Ground, 1935 – present

Why on earth Nottingham Forest’s board want to move away from the City Ground is be££££££££££££££££££££££yond m£££££££££y k£££££££££££££££££££££en, sorry, a key on my computer got stuck for a moment there. There’s more than enough space for paying customers as it is, and in any case, the place is a magnificent reminder of the glory days. Forest might be a third-tier club now, but the shining modernity of the Trent End Stand, overhanging the river, is positively top-class and qualifies the ground as the most idyllic of any in the country. Meanwhile take a walk round the other side of the ground past the souvenir hut – club shop it ain’t – to the cramped car park, and the place positively reeks of the 1970s; you can almost see the ghosts of Brian and Peter unloading crates of ale to feed the squad before a big match. And across the river … Meadow Lane. To move from here would be sheer lunacy, and madness to boot.

Quite right, too.