I am trying to find all the software I need to make my Macbook as useful to me as my Vista laptop is. Obviously some things are made much easier, like making Skype calls (no longer any requirement for a headset) or video (built in camera, no webcam needed!), but others are proving hard. I need replacements for my social media toolkit.
So far, I have been having most difficulty finding a decent offline blog editor. I guess you might question why this is necessary when WordPress has a perfectly adequate built-in online one, but for some reason I find blogging a much calmer activity when using a desktop editor. I never claimed to make sense 😉
So, I have downloaded MarsEdit, Qumana and Ecto and will be trying these out over the next week or so. I think it is going to be a compromise choice in the end, as it doesn’t look like any of them offer the functionality of a Windows Live Writer or a BlogJet. Ecto has already failed to publish this post once, and crashed, so I would say its days are numbered (not least because it also ballsed up the paragraphs on the post so I had to edit it online anyway. Grr).
Another hunt is for an FTP client, and on this score things are going much better, thanks to my Twitter buddies Laura, Ed and Jenny. I have downloaded Fetch, Transmit and Cyberduck and all seem perfectly adequate. Think it will come down to which I feel most comfortable using rather than functionality.
I have also installed Skype, something called Skitch which I think will let me take screenshots like SnagIt does, and something called TextWrangler for making notes with.
Offline blog editor – I find ecto the best, but use 2.4.2 not 3 in beta. Marsedit good if you are happy to see/add some html. Qmana development for Mac seems stalled.
On screenshots Snapz Pro X if you are prepared to pay …
I don’t know why I like using the desktop editor so much. Strange really, in the world of always on internet! Am giving Flock a go, because it might answer my feed reading and bog posting issues in one go!
Will have a look at Snapz if Skitch (where do they get these names?! Ah yes) doesn’t do the business.
If you’re looking for a powerful FTP editor, you should also try Yummy FTP. I much prefer it to Transmit, and it’s way better than Fetch.
If you prefer interface over functionality, though, or need Amazon S3 support, then Transmit is probably your best bet.
Check out DevonThink and Devon Agent. Worth getting a Mac for…
Don’t forget Scribefire for offline blog editing – we use it for xPRESS Digest on Mac and PC and it’s great and has improved over the last couple versions. I like the ability to repost an entry to all manner of different blog providers really quickly.
(I know you’ve got it on your list of Firefox add-ons but just in case you had forgotten it in your newly found Mac-ness!)
… and if you are still with Flock you can try using Firefox add-ons with it, since it is built on FF
I didn’t know that!
I’m really enjoying Flock. I had tried earlier versions, but it grabbed too much memory. Now no problem on my super new iMac:-) Good on PCs too I gather. As always depends what you are trying to do, but del.icio.us favourites come up in the side bar, or Facebook friends, or feeds, or media. Clipboard doesn’t seem to grab links as it should.
Hey, what’s this, a conversation going on in my comments that I am not a part of?!
Thanks for all the suggestions chaps, will look into them in more detail!