the interruption

the interruption
I’ve started a podcast!

the interruption is going to be a weekly chat between me and someone doing something exciting in social media and web 2.0 in the UK. The first episode is a discussion with Paul Johnston of Cisco, who is behind a new web community called The Connected Republic.

Paul talks about the aims and objectives of the community, the technology behind it, how people are engaging with the platform and what some of the lessons he has learned are.

I am a real learner when it comes to this stuff, and am still finding my way around Garageband, the software that came on my Macbook which I am using to produce the podcast. So things might be a bit ropey to begin with, but am sure I will be into the swing of things soon.

Please visit the site and listen to the podcast, and subscribe to the RSS feed.

Also, if you’d like to be involved in an interruption chat, just get in touch.

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