Reflections on WordCampUK

I am typing most of this on the train back from Birmingham, where I have been attending WordCampUK, a two day conference on all things to do with the greatest online publishing platform, like, ever. It was great to meet new folk, and friends too and as always, the value for me was in the … Keep reading

links for 2008-07-19

PHP « Programming « Portfolio | WordPress backup plugin, recommended at wordcampuk (tags: wordcampuk wordpress plugin backup) WordPress for iPhone Mmmmmmmmm (tags: apple blog wordpress iphone workcampuk) Sitewide tags pages for WordPress MU This is the initial release of a plugin that creates a set of pages like the Hot Topics pages. It’s … Keep reading

SEO for WordPress

Here’s some notes from the session at WordCampUK on SEO for WordPress, presented by Nick Garner of Betfair. Will tidy up later with more links and stuff. you can’t hold your website users’ hands the whole time. SEO can make it easier for them to find what they want What have you got that others … Keep reading