Barcamp London 5 : the spillover

Next weekend is a busy one for webheads in London. Not only is it UKYouthOnline (which I am attending) but also Barcamp London 5 is happening. Sadly, that’s all booked up. But never fear! Harry Metcalfe is organising a spillover event for those that couldn’t get themselves on the original Barcamp list.

The wiki states:

BarcampLondon5 is full. Lots of people who wanted to go couldn’t get tickets. We figured: why not have our own, extra, mini-barcamp? The British Computer Society kindly volunteered to host, so it’s on: we’ll have a one-day barcamp on the Saturday (27th).

So, if you want some barcampy action in London that day, you’ve still got a chance. And if Harry has anything to do with it, it’ll probably be better than the ‘proper’ one. Book yourself a spot here.