Bookmarks for January 1st through January 3rd

Stuff I have bookmarked for January 1st through January 3rd:

  • Thriving too: Leadership in a Paradigm of Respect – "we now have the means to group and voice in potential numbers never before dreamed of, how do we ensure that the overall system remains balanced, and really intelligent?"
  • Participative Pedagogy for a Literacy of Literacies – Freesouls – "If I had to reduce the essence of Homo sapiens to five words, "people do complicated things together" would do. Online social networks can be powerful amplifiers of collective action precisely because they augment and extend the power of ever-complexifying human sociality."
  • WhosTalkin? – Useful looking tool to track what people are saying online, via Beth Kanter
  • 5-Part Social Media Process – Amy Sample Ward shares her tips on how to form a successful social media strategy.
  • 100+ More Wiki Tools and Resources – "Wiki engines are some of the most versatile platforms for creating websites out there. MediaWiki (the engine that powers Wikipedia) is probably the most widely used, but there are literally hundreds of other wiki engines."
  • SaaS Business Intelligence with Google Apps – "Panorama Software has partnered with Google to provide new capabilities to Google applications and Google docs via the strongest suite of analytics, reporting and visualization applications."