Bookmarks for February 2nd through February 7th

Stuff I have bookmarked for February 2nd through February 7th:

  • Social Innovation Lab Kent – "SILK is a way of working that puts people and their everyday experiences at the centre of policymaking and service design."
  • digitalresearchtools / FrontPage – "This wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars (particularly in the humanities and social sciences) conduct research more efficiently or creatively."
  • Passenger Focus – Putting Rail Passengers First – "We are an independent public body set up by the Government to protect the interests of Britain's rail passengers."
  • Clay Shirky: online crowds aren’t always wise – "Clay Shirky, leading commentator on internet technologies and author of Here Comes Everybody, last night backed away from his earlier enthusiasm for the online wisdom of crowds in democratic decision-making. He suggested that Government use of social media should focus more on “small groups of smart people arguing with each other”, than national-scale engagement online."
  • City of Lincoln Council – Planning & Building Control – Plan – Lincoln Council provide Google Map of planning applications on there site – data courtesy of – good work all round!