WordCampUK 2009: 18-19 July

WordCampUKWordCampUK – the only event in the UK dedicated to the joys of WordPress – will be taking place in Cardiff this year, on 18 and 19 July. You can find out all the details on the official blog, which has been beautifully put together by Simon Wheatley and Laura Kalbag.

To find out what some of the sessions will likely be about, check out the wiki page which lists the ideas that people have had.

The two big draws for me will be the chance to hear from Matt Mullenweg, founding developer of WordPress and the company that supports it Automattic. The other will be my old friend Simon Dickson, who will no doubt provided another of his highly motivating rants.

If you are interested in finding out more about WordPress and its possibilities, there is no easier way of finding all the people that matter in the same room. Well worth £35 in my book (and only £25 if you’re quick!). Book here, now.

And yes, I am aware that this blog has become rather event-heavy of late. Sorry. Normal, more creative, service to be resumed shortly…