Bookmarks for May 4th through May 16th

Stuff I have bookmarked for May 4th through May 16th:

  • Baby steps in Social Media News Releases – "The Social Media News Release (SMNR) updates the old press notice and video news release for a social media age. Factual bullet points instead of marketingese. Embedded video and images for media outlets and bloggers to use. Social bookmarking buttons to help users to spread the word. Related documents and context to help the lazy or time-poor to put the report in context."
  • Information for life – "a blog from Opportunity Links discussing the challenges of information delivery to the public. We hope to use this blog to explore how we can fulfil our mission statement: “We believe that people should have access to quality information to empower and support them in the choices they make.” "
  • Wolfram|Alpha – "Today's Wolfram|Alpha is the first step in an ambitious, long-term project to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable by anyone."
  • Digital Engagement | Director of Digital Engagement – A new blog at the Cabinet Office for the Director of Digital Engagement
  • Can’t Connect… Won’t Connect » the billblog – "Imagine how nice it would be if most wireless networks were suddenly five or even ten times faster and generally reliable."
  • socialstrategy:start [Practical Participation] – "There are many small hurdles to effective use of social media and technology in public services. In democratic engagement and participation; communications and outreach; education; or just about any other area of work – the same soluble barriers hold up action. "
  • Acorn, the image editor for humans. – I'm using Pixelmator at the moment to do my web graphic editing. @billt recommends Acorn though, might give it a go.