LocalGovWeb – an exercise in aggregation

I put a tweet out last week pointing people to a new domain, www.localgovweb.com, asking people to complete the form it contained.

I asked for people’s:

  • Blog addresses and whether they would like their posts to appear in an aggregated list
  • Twitter names and whether they would like their tweets aggregated with everyone else’s
  • Whether people would like to contribute original content to a group blog

If you haven’t already, please do visit the site and complete the form.

You’ll notice I have added some neat Google Friend Connect features to the site after the exciting trip to the UK Googleplex last Friday. This seems an easy way to add interactivity to a site – do have a play.

Here’s what I am planning to do. Firstly, localgovweb.com will be a place where blogging and twittering about local government and the web is pulled into one place. This will be through a blog aggregator, just like Public Sector Blogs, and a similar thing for Twitter.

The third strand will be an aggregation of delicious bookmarks tagged localgovweb – similar to DigitalGovUK or WP Sauce.

Once these are up and running, I’ll start to look at putting a blog in place where the original content can be posted. I’m hoping this can become a proper group blog, with plenty of contributions from people across local government, writing about the issues that are important to them.

So, thanks to everyone who has signed up so far. I’ve already got a couple of the elements of the initial aggregating activity up and running, so please do submit your details and starting tagging relevant stuff in Delicious with localgovweb.

More updates soon.