Bookmarks for October 18th through October 21st

Awesomeness off of the internet for October 18th to October 21st:

  • Soup – Publish, collect, share. – "Soup is a tumblelog, a super-easy blog that can do more than just text: post links, quotes, videos, audio, files, reviews and events."
  • The power of social innovation: interview with Director of Social Innovation Camp, Anna Maybank – "While gov20, transparency and campaigning are all beginning to revolutionise the relationship between government and its citizens in profound ways, the fantastic work of organisations such as the Sunlight Foundation and MySociety is very much focused on improving the status quo, a much maligned and mistrusted status quo."
  • FutureGov » Features » ePetitions data standards – get involved! – "Are you interested in ePetitions? Perhaps you run electronic petitioning tools for a local council, or are involved in analysing the results? Do you build tools for governments to use to help citizens petition it more effectively? Or maybe you’re a keen hacker who wants to see these tools built in transparent and effective ways?"
  • Local Electronic Petitions Set To Become Mandatory – "A Bill requiring councils in England and Wales to provide local residents with a facility to lodge electronic petitions, and to respond to such petitions, is set to be passed into law after moving to what is likely to become its final Parliamentary stage last week."
  • A post bureaucratic Barnet? : Matthew Taylor’s blog – "The council aims to develop a much deeper and more nuanced understanding not only through conventional methods of public engagement such as a citizens’ panel and customer forums, but through ethnographic research into the day to day lives of its most needy citizens. "
  • County Hall’s credit union to see off loan sharks – "Established by Kent County Council, the Kent Savers service will provide an alternative to unscrupulous loan sharks and lenders who take advantage of desperate residents by charging exorbitant interest rates."

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