Government 2010: “I’m afraid, Dave, you can’t do that.”

Hello! I’m Andrew Walkingshaw, and I’m going to be deputising for Dave at the Government 2010 conference tomorrow. I’ll be liveblogging the event for you all, both here and as @walkingshaw on Twitter.

I’m the business guy at Timetric. We’re on a mission to get the world’s statistics to you in a form which you can use, and a lot of those numbers start their lives in local and national governments. So, I’m especially looking forward to the Open Data session, chaired by 4iP‘s Ewan Mackintosh, towards the end of the conference. (On that note, if you’re in the business of making data available, we’d love to hear from you. Okay, enough of the sales pitch!). The entire conference looks fantastic, though: I’ll do my best to keep you in touch with what’s going on if you’re not able to follow the live stream.

Anyhow, keep in touch with me throughout the day on Twitter and on here. See you all tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “Government 2010: “I’m afraid, Dave, you can’t do that.””

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