Bookmarks for November 5th through November 8th

Awesomeness off of the internet for November 5th to November 8th:

  • – "Today, the Department of Internal Afairs launched, a beta site where government agencies can register their non-personal data sets for use by members of the public and organizations."
  • Prefinery: Beta Management Software – "Take the headache out of private beta testing with our fast and simple system." Looks really useful.
  • GovHack: govt data + hackers + caffeine == good times | Government 2.0 Taskforce – "John Allsopp from Web Directions was an organiser of GovHack, an event sponsored by the Taskforce. It was held on the 30th and 31st of October 2009 to encourage greater use and availability of government data in support of the MashupAustralia contest."
  • Local Blog impact on Local Democracy: Somerton Town Council | Online Journalism Blog – "Local Bloggers are beginning to produce a few good examples of effective scrutiny of Local Councils. In this piece David Keen, who is a Vicar in Yeovil and writes regularly for my Wardman Wire political site, gives an account of a local controversy in the Somerset town of Somerton, which has lead to a number of resignations from the Town Council."
  • 2 of 3 Feel They Can’t Influence Local Decisions – "Government’s Citizenship Survey results published today reflect some familiar trends but there are also some surprising findings that support new thinking on empowerment, active citizenship and community cohesion."