Bookmarks for November 24th through November 27th

Awesomeness off of the internet for November 24th to November 27th:

  • The dark side of the internet – "Fourteen years ago, a pasty Irish teenager with a flair for inventions arrived at Edinburgh University to study artificial intelligence and computer science. For his thesis project, Ian Clarke created "a Distributed, Decentralised Information Storage and Retrieval System", or, as a less precise person might put it, a revolutionary new way for people to use the internet without detection. By downloading Clarke's software, which he intended to distribute for free, anyone could chat online, or read or set up a website, or share files, with almost complete anonymity."
  • BBC News – Government e-petitions give power to the people – "Government plans to roll out e-petitions across the UK could offer people a real say in the democratic process, a conference has heard."
  • Culture in the New Order | Centre for Policy Development – "One of the key hurdles for the public sector and legislators in heralding in the changes that will make the promise of Government 2.0 successful will be culture change."
  • eGov AU: Could the government replace some advertising and communications contracts with crowdsourcing? – "However what I will ask is this – should the Australian government look beyond advertising and communications agencies for good communications ideas? Should we go directly to the communities impacted by our programs, invite them to provide ideas for communications campaigns and reward them appropriately?"
  • Quiet Riots – "Quiet Riots is a prototype service that allows individuals to join together in groups to make change happen for the issues they share. Users find their Quiet Riot, share their experience, and work together to get something done."
  • State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards – "The book State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards is by John Gøtze and Christian Bering Pedersen, and foreworded by Don Tapscott, the book is a cornucopia of ideas and experiences from thought-leaders on three continents."