Bookmarks for January 4th through January 6th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to.

  • Enterprise 2.0: Totally Unacceptable – I don't agree, but the challenge is good: 'Too often I hear Enterprise 2.0 positioned as a technology set that represents a better way of getting things done. It doesn’t. Despite what mavens may say, it never has and never will. That’s because of itself and even with technology adopted, you gain nothing of substance without context and process. All you gain is more content. That is why I have always argued that content without context in process is meaningless.'
  • Phil Bradley’s weblog: A digital native in a wooden world – A marvelous post on change and the need for people to innovate and improve, told through a compelling story. Great blogging from Phil Bradley.
  • Legal halt for Easy Council plans – "Running an airline, however, is possibly less complex than navigating a few hundred years of local government evolution and legislation."
  • Top Intranets Embrace Mobile Accessibility and Social Networking – ReadWriteEnterprise – Intranets are becoming a higher priority for organizations. Intranet teams are growing in size, and the best of them are embracing new trends such as mobile accessibility and social networking.
  • oneDrum – "oneDrum is a free, lightweight desktop application that can turn any application into a rich, collaborative environment."

You can find all my bookmarks on Delicious.