Bookmarks for January 17th through January 20th

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to.

  • The Governance Ladder « Carl’s Notepad – "The key thing for me in thinking this way is that i don’t believe that Governance should be seen as something which is rigid and fixed in an organisation. I believe that we need to start adapting our Governance to the circumstances and providing a greater level of education, awareness and information so that people (not the processes) can make better decisions in the first place."
  • REWORK: The new business book from 37signals. – The new business book from 37signals.
  • Defra, UK – UK Location – Nice new WordPress microsite for Defra by Simon Dickson
  • co-operative News – Co-ops can help transform public services – report – "The Innovation Unit, a London-based independent social enterprise dedicated to supporting the third sector, has published an independent ‘think piece’ — The Engagement Ethic — outlining the potential for co-operatives and mutuals to help transform public services. "
  • Gov 2.0: Gov 2.0 Hero: Dominic Campbell – Much like in the US, the majority of digital engagement in the UK has been about a race to develop shiny new websites and get government agencies on Twitter and the whole spectrum of social tools. The focus has predominantly been on better PR and communications which has indeed led to some improvements, but even then nowhere near as rapidly as you might hope.
  • NESTA Connect: The internal challenge of open innovation – "The open innovation professionals whom i've worked with who are most successful work just as hard, if not even harder, to network within their organisations to find the right people to be able to make a deal happen once they've sourced one externally. And tools like twitter are, in part, so exciting to me because they form a wonderful shortcut into organisations bypassing existing channels or opening up entirely new channels of communication that didn't exist previously. "
  • Showing a better way – honestlyreal – "And as far as I’m aware, the fundamental problem with innovation in public services is this confusion between what constitutes ideas, and what constitutes service implementation."
  • Backupify :: Secure Online Backup and Archiving for Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress – "Your online accounts contain important information. Don’t risk losing any of it. Sign up for our online account backup and you will never have to worry about losing a thing."
  • How to crowd source an IT strategy – BankerVision – "Big organisations are challenged when you ask them for quick decisions."
  • How To Build An Online Community: The Ultimate List Of Resources – FeverBee – "This is a collection of my favourite and most popular posts from the last two years. It should give you a great overview about both the strategy any the process of creating an online community from scratch." Fabulous.
  • Cisco’s Top 10 Predictions for 2010 – "Some leadership teams will view 2010 as an opportunity to pull ahead of their competition by investing in a collaboration architecture that will further improve their team’s productivity"

You can find all my bookmarks on Delicious.

You can also see all the videos I think are worth watching at my video scrapbook.