Find what I’m reading

I’m still having a couple of technical problems here getting my delicious bookmarks posted up to the blog.

Just in case this is causing you a great deal of anguish – and I completely understand if it isn’t – you can find out what stuff I think is worth reading in two places:

  • there’s my delicious page itself, which also of cause has its own feed
  • and I have just started sharing things in Google Reader, and you can find all these items onĀ my public page – which, again, has a feed as well

Hopefully normal service will be resumed soon.

Update: This should now be fixed. The issue was, I think, with Delicious blocking access to the RSS feed – presumably they didn’t like me checking it automatically every hour to see if there was anything new there. By piping the Delicious feed through Feedburner, the problem is averted.