Webchat – 12 June 2012 at 11am – on webchats!

A little while ago, we ran some webchats here, and they were pretty popular. Now we have the website sorted, I think it’s a good time to bring them back.

So, on Tuesday 12th June at 11am for an hour we’ll be having a webchat here at kindofdigital.com on the subject of… webchats! Nothing like a bit of meta-discussion to get the juices flowing, I think.

Seriously though, there have been some great examples of organisations using webchats to engage people with a policy discussion or campaign. We’ll hopefully be able to get some people along who have been involved in those and share some good practice.

Register for the webchat here – we’re using CoverItLive as usual (although we’re developing a plugin for WordPress that means we don’t have to rely on third party services in future…).

Look forward to chatting in a couple of weeks’ time!