What’s on your tablet, Nick Jones?

NJ-headhsotNick Jones is Head of Digital and CSR at Visa Europe. Responsible for protecting and improving the reputation of Visa Europe across digital channels owned and earned.

Previously he worked in government at Number 10 and the Central Office of Information. You can find Nick on LinkedIn here.

Which tablet do you use most?

iPad mini

What do you use your tablet for most?

  • Email
  • Web browsing
  • Social networking
  • Note taking
  • Photography / video

What are your favourite apps?

What add ons do you use with your tablet?

Logitech Ultrathin keyboard case because the soft keyboard doesn’t allow easy tabbing when taking notes.

What does your tablet not do that you really wish it could?

Outlook integration so the work calendar and email were easily accessible. There is the Good app but not approved for work.

What’s on your tablet? is a regular series of posts about how WorkSmart readers use their tablets. You can take part too – just fill in the survey.