What’s on your tablet, Matt China?

mattcMatt China previously worked in local government, where he championed new ways of working in his authority. Due to recent senior management restructure he is now looking for a new job, preferably with a more ‘agile’ organisation.

All offers can be sent to Matt via Twitter.

Which tablet do you use most?

Nexus 7

What do you use your tablet for most?

  • Email
  • Web browsing
  • Social networking
  • Note taking
  • E-reading

What are your favourite apps?

What add ons do you use with your tablet?

Poetic SLIMLINE Portfolio Case

What does your tablet not do that you really wish it could?

I wish I’d bought a 3g version so I am not reliant on WiFi connectivity (can tether to phone but this is very expensive).

What’s on your tablet? is a regular series of posts about how WorkSmart readers use their tablets. You can take part too – just fill in the survey.