Digital transformation report from Altimeter

A quick post as I am just back from a short break with the family and didn’t have anything lined up to publish today!

digitransAltimeter Group have just published a really interesting report called Digital Transformation: Why and How Companies are Investing in New Business Models to Lead Digital Customer Experiences. It has its own microsite and everything.

There are seven key findings in the report, detailed on page 5. I found the following most interesting:

1. Social, mobile, real-time and other disruptive technologies are aligning to necessitate bigger changes than initially anticipated.

3. Mapping and understanding the customer experience is becoming critical in guiding transformation efforts.

5. Digital transformation is driven partly by technology and also by the evolution of customer behaviour.

In other words, digital matters because customers are using it.

All in all, it’s a great report and well worth trading your email address to get access to it.