Weeknote 1/11/19

Inspired by Annie, here goes. Format open to change as things progress.


Mood has been a little low this week. Am getting over a cold – nothing lethal – which has left me a bit tired and meh. In order to sleep I imbibed Night Nurse for probably too many nights in a row than would be considered good practice, resulting in a certain fogginess of mind which didn’t help. I’ve gone cold turkey on that now, with positive results.

My daughter was 7 last weekend. She’s growing up fast. I don’t want to miss as much of it as I am.

Gone well

We had plenty of visits from people at work this week, which was nice as it gives us a chance, in articulating where we are going and where we are currently at, to reflect on how well (or not) we are doing. That I am writing these words under this particular heading should indicate I reckon we are doing ok. Always more to do of course! But I recognise the fortunate position we are in, and the good work we are able to do as a result.

We won a couple of dollops of central government cash to support some work we are doing with other councils, which was nice. My role was very much on the margins, but well done team.

Also – I’ve published something on this blog! There’s a result. I ought to get something written for the other one too, in fact have a couple of posts brewing, but need to get them done. It’s important! I keep telling people that. I should listen to myself, on this topic anyway.

Room for improvement

I need to get a better handle on what my actual job to be done is – I’ve found in the last 10 months or so I have a tendency to get sucked into detail. Sometimes that right, but other times it isn’t the best use of my time, or the talents of others, and I need to check why I’m feeling the need to intervene in certain areas, and whether I am better stepping back and letting the others just get on with it. Mostly I should do that.

But then, detail! It’s so intoxicating.

A colleague left the team, which I regret, and I wonder what I should have done to ensure they didn’t. Again, maybe I am overestimating my ability to influence such matters. Even so.

I need to take some holiday. I think I’m still in contractor-mode, trying to reduce my number of non-working weeks as much as possible. But that doesn’t work now, and I’ll probably get in trouble with NeillyNeil as well as HR if I don’t take some leave soon. Also: rest.

Cultural input

Limited due to cold-induced brain rot (I’ve spent a lot of my time playing some truly terrible games on my phone).

However I did manage to enjoy Clive James’ short collection of articles about Larkin, which I recommend to anybody who likes that sort of thing, by which I mean Larkin.

Nick Cave’s new album has had plenty of airplay.

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