Daily note for 31 May 2023

Am going to try this note without bullets, just to see how that goes. Feedback welcome!

I’ve deleted all the social media apps from my phone as an experiment.

Cote has done a daynote: https://cote.io/2023/05/30/day-note.html

“We Need to Rethink ‘Digital’ in Most Public Services” – I am really not sure what this article is suggesting? Rethink from what, to what? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-need-rethink-digital-most-public-services/

I’ve just discovered (🤦) the ‘advanced’ view in Mastodon, which is more Tweetdeck like with columns. Makes things a bit easier. Wondering if I should start paying some money towards Mastodon too https://www.patreon.com/mastodon

“Lisa’s Final Act: how Apple invented its future by burying its past” https://www.theverge.com/23724804/lisa-computer-apple-steve-jobs-burial-utah-sun-remarketing-documentary

In Our Time about Walt Whitman https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001l99w

I randomly wondered earlier what Marissa Mayer is doing these days. Turns out she’s running a startup trying to fix phone contacts, which is a worthy endeavour if not, if I am honest, a lucrative-sounding one https://sunshine.com/