Daily note for 1 June 2023

2 cracking posts from dxw on what service designers get up to during the beta phase of a project https://www.dxw.com/2023/05/what-do-service-designers-do-in-the-beta-phase-of-a-project-part-1/ (there’s a link at the bottom to part 2)

Videos from the 2022 Service Design in Gov conference: https://govservicedesign.net/videos

Fab stuff from Polly Thompson on helping "colleagues (who aren’t interested in tech) understand the health of an IT estate" https://medium.com/valleys-to-coast-design-tech-blog/the-state-were-in-c7549cb03938

Quite enjoying The Color of Nothing by ford. https://fordsounds.bandcamp.com/album/the-color-of-nothing

Have been a John Naughton fan for a loooooong time and his blog has been following a kind of daily note / commonplace book type approach for a while now. His follows a kind of structure I would find it impossible to stick to. https://memex.naughtons.org/

And one of John’s posts pointed me to "The Gutenberg Parenthesis: Thomas Pettitt on parallels between the pre-print era and our own Internet age" https://www.niemanlab.org/2010/04/the-gutenberg-parenthesis-thomas-pettitt-on-parallels-between-the-pre-print-era-and-our-own-internet-age/

Cote gives his take on my blogging formats post from yesterday https://cote.io/2023/05/31/193136.html

Another good In Our Time, this time on the Dead Sea Scrolls https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001ljc0