Daily note for 2 August 2023

This is an extremely important thread for anyone wanting to understand the financial pressures felt across local government (and no, it’s not related to solar farms…) https://twitter.com/JackTShaw/status/1683415430126247936

Following on from my post about where we are with digital and technology in local government, I have been trying to put some thought into an idea around how to make this a bit easier for everyone involved. As is often the case, I am struggling with getting something small and quick done, against the knowledge that it might not be enough. As always I ought to be quaffing some of my agile mindset kool-aid, but it’s hard.

A thought is also very much in my mind: why is it me doing this? It really ought to be somebody’s job, rather than the hobby of a bloke in Spalding.

I have loved the album ‘original’ of this song since I first heard it, but when I came across this version, quite recently, I was absolutely blown away:

Lovely stuff from Simon at Adur & Worthing Councils: “5 Highlights from 5 Years of the Local Digital Declaration” https://medium.com/awc-digital-design/5-highlights-from-5-years-of-the-local-digital-declaration-f01cb2986103

Another good thread, this time on how we should be thinking about stuff published in ‘private’ online work networks: https://twitter.com/sharonodea/status/1686673530878840832

This is quite the story: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-scotland-66384327