Daily note for 28 September 2023

A new Wilco album! Ace.

I newslettered: “Mark [Thompson]’s rallying call around this stuff – that digital age operating models that make use of what computers are good at, and what the private sector is good at, in order to free up public servants to do what they are good at – feels increasingly like an idea whose time is now. At the very least, it should be part of the conversation. We should not take localism to mean doing things in exponentially ineffective and inefficient ways for the sake of it. There has to be a point where local configuration of nationally adopted standards kicks in at the delivery level as well as at the policy level.”

Weeknotes rules by Giles Turnbull – helpful because they “set expectations about what good weeknote behaviour should look like”.

Team manual and team charter – my two favourite workshops to run with new teams or teams with new members – I love Alan Wright’s blog, so full of insight and useful, practical advice.

Stacks of really, really useful stuff in this guide to digital transformation in HE from Jisc. Lots that can be applied to other sectors.