Government 2010: agenda

Government 2010 kicks off in London in a couple of hours, and it’s going to be all-liveblogging, courtesy of Davepress and Timetric, all the time this morning.

Here’s the agenda:

  • 9.00am – 9.15am Opening Remarks: Jeffrey Peel, Government 2010
  • 9.15am – 9.30am Keynote Address: Peter Kellner, President, YouGov
  • 9.30am – 10.15am Panel Discussion: Digital Engagement is Everyone’s Job: Formal and Informal Consultation on the Web: Chair: Harry Metcalfe; Panel: Tom Watson MP; David Price, Debategraph; Neil Williams, DBIS
  • 10.30am – 11.15am Panel Discussion: Blogging, Social Media and New Media; Chair: Iain Dale, Panel: Mick Fealty, Daily Telegraph Blogger and Slugger O’Toole; Stephen Tall, LibDem Voice; Craig Elder, Conservative Party; Adam Parker, CEO, Realwire
  • 11.15am – 12.00 Panel Discussion: Government Service in a Web 2.0 Era: Chair: Jeffrey Peel, Government 2010; Panel: Gordon McKenzie, Microsoft; Tanya Oliver, Kent County Council; Michael Juer, Northamptonshire County Council
  • 12.00pm – 12.15pm Government and Innovation, Adam Afriyie MP
  • 12.15pm – 12.30pm Technology and Citizens, Tom Steinberg
  • 1:15pm – 2.00pm Identity Management, William Heath/Q&A, Founder, Ctrl-Shift
  • 2.00pm – 2.45pm Panel Discussion: Government & The Internet, Chair: Dominique Lazanski; Panel: Jim Killock, Executive Director, Open Rights Group; Philip Virgo, Secretary General, EURIM; Phil Kingsland from Nominet (TBC); Speaker from Google (TBC)
  • 3.00 – 3.30pm SOCITM – The Web Channel and Local Government – Martin Greenwood
  • 3.30 pm – 4.15 pm Panel Discussion: The Internet and Social Inclusion Chair: Tony Collins; Panel: Stephen Hilton, Bristol City Council; John Shewell, Brighton & Hove City Council; Anthony Zacharzewski, Democratic Society
  • 4.15pm – 5.15pm Panel Discussion: Open Data, Mash-Ups and Government Web, Chair: Ewan McIntosh, Channel 4/4ip; Panel: Chris Taggart, OpenlyLocal; Stuart McRae, IBM; Paul Canning, Consultant, SOCITM; Colm Hayden, Anaeko

    So it’s going to be a pretty full day. But I could use your help! If you’ve got any questions you want to pass on to the speakers, or anything in particular you want covered, let me know in the comments or over on Twitter and I’ll do my best to find out for you.

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