You might wonder why I haven’t put education sites into LGSearch. Well, the reason is that someone else already has done, and I’m not in the business of thunder stealing.
The new links page at LGSearch reveals all. At the moment, the links are limited to three, but they are good ones. The first two are both from Simon Dickson‘s Findless project: Health and Safety and Education.
The third is DirectionlessGov, which lets you compare the results you get from and Google. No prizes for guessing which produces the better links.
[tags]findless, simon dickson, directionlessgov, lgsearch[/tags]
If anyone wants to browse the list of sites covered by education.findless, and wants to suggest any I’ve missed, please do feel free. The focus has been on national rather than local level, but that’s largely down to my Whitehall background. Of course, the standard Findless caveat applies: if we don’t like it, we don’t include it. 😉