Google Maps API

Google Maps

I have had a really great idea for a little site that I think will be of use to quite a few people in the UK. Trouble is, it relies on using the Google Maps API, and I haven’t a clue how that works, despite my recent best efforts trawling through the documentation.

The basic idea is pretty simple: a homepage with a zoomable map of the UK on it , with markers on the map which when clicked display information about that location. I’d like eventually to be able to show people directions from their address to one or more of the markers too, but that can come later.

I’m guessing that, given there is plenty of information to be handled, a MySQL/PHP/Google Maps integration job might be on the cards. Again, beyond me at the moment, but I just need someone to point me in the right direction.

Can anyone help?

2 thoughts on “Google Maps API”

  1. Hi Dave – just popped across to the Google maps bit, all updated since I embedded Google maps last on websites some months back. Looks alot easier nowadays, even gives you the embed code easily now without having to faff too much… Here’s how you do it –
    1 – go to
    2 – next to the little search tab on top left side, there is a tab “My maps” click that tab.
    3 – Click the blue link – create new map, give it a name or whatever…
    4 – On the map image itself you’ll see some icons next to the zoom in/out part on the left hand side. Drag the blue pin icon to where you want it on the map. It also brings up a little text box when you’ve placed it where you want it to be. Fill in the data you want it to appear.
    5 – You can use the other icons to do other bits with too.
    6 – When all done follow the links along the top right hand side above the map image – click on “link to this page”
    7 – Gives you a web link to your map, or embed code. Under the embed code there is a link to customising it further too.

    Or you could always use frappr!
    Be great to hear how you get along with it all!

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