Government news via Twitter

I was musing the other day about a method of aggregating news about government in one place. Justin Kerr-Stevens – government communications consultant, barcamper and general good egg – has combined a job lot of gov news sources into a combined Twitter feed, handily called HMGOV.

I’d never considered using twitter to pull all this together. The great thing about it is that you don’t need to be a twitter user to read it, as each twitter account generates an RSS feed. Also, if people want it in their emai boxes, Justin could cobble something together in no time with FeedBurner, meaning that however people want their news delivered, he has it covered.

Great work. And in the wake of the Civil Serf affair, it’s good to see someone else working in government starting a blog. It isn’t all bad news, folks.

3 thoughts on “Government news via Twitter”

  1. Unless I’m missing something, it will have already been aggregated into an RSS feed to get it into Twitter in the first place. (I’m pretty sure that’s how Twitterfeed works: it’s a single RSS feed to a single Twitter account.) And the last thing Twitter needs is unnecessary server traffic..! πŸ™‚

  2. Dave,

    Thanks – will incorporate feedburner as you suggest

    @simond – I figured if Twitter survived SXSW it would be able to survive UKGOV announcements! πŸ™‚

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