Free as in Beer

Thought it might be worth a quick plug of another little blog I write, called Free as in Beer. All I do is post a link and a quick description of a zero-cost bit of software. Why not have a look – you might find something useful there! Tags: free+as+in+beer

My Telegraph

The Daily Telegraph have put together a great social element to their website – hosting user blogs at I have signed up and the interface is very nice and clean. There’s a social element too, where you can add other My Telegraph blogs to your blogroll and keep a track of comments and whatnot. … Keep reading

Bloggers’ Code of Conduct

Tim O’Reilly has posted a draft of a bloggers’ code of conduct. Let’s have a look at it. We celebrate the blogosphere because it embraces frank and open conversation. But frankness does not have to mean lack of civility. We present this Blogger Code of Conduct in hopes that it helps create a culture that … Keep reading

nfp 2.0

Thanks to David Wilcox for pointing me in the direction of nfp 2.0, Steve Bridger’s blog about ‘How not-for-profits can benefit from blogs and social media’. A great addition to my blogroll.

David Wilcox

I’m a regular reader of David Wilcox‘s blog, and if you aren’t at the moment, you should be. His posts are full of great stuff. He’s also the editor of a wiki which is chock-full of useful social media information. A recommended bookmark for future reference for sure. The wiki system David is using looks … Keep reading