links for 2007-11-15

LGSearch | Google Groups I have set up a Google Group to act as a mailing list for LGSearch, the public sector personalised search engine I developed and occasionally maintain. (tags: lgsearch googlegroups) MT Community Solution: Blogs Meet Forums 2.0 Interesting developments on the commnity (ie free) version of Movable Type, with social forums becoming … Keep reading

links for 2007-11-14

JCMC Vol 13 Issue 1 Interesting collecion of academic articles from the “Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication”. Via Owen Blacker at MySociety. (tags: research socialnetworking academic web2.0 culture media)

links for 2007-11-13

CommentPress CommentPress is a WordPress theme that allows commenters to record their views against individual paragrahs of a post, thus making it a live consultation document. Thanks to Simon Dickson for pointing it out. (tags: wordpress collaboration blog comments blogging writing tools themes) springnote Springnote is a nice looking hosted wiki service. (tags: wiki web2.0 … Keep reading

links for 2007-11-12

It’s stunning, powerful and elegant… so set the iPhone free John Naughton’s Observer column on Apple’s iPhone (tags: iphone naughton observer apple) Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows. Jing is a service that allows you to create screencasts – recordings of what you do on your PC screen – within the browser … Keep reading

links for 2007-11-11

Not sensible, but, oh, the joy of it! Stephen Fry on the iPhone: “In the end the iPhone is like some glorious early-60s sports car. Not as practical, reliable, economical, sensible or roomy as a family saloon but oh, the joy. “ (tags: iphone stephenfry)