Wikipedia is not a Revolution

Interesting post over on the TwoWayWeb News: I got a response from Jimmy Wales to a note about Wikipedia on Scripting News on a private mail list. He may if he wants, make his response public. Imho, it was unnecessarily personal. But he showed me something about Wikipedia that I hadn’t seen before. My first note … Keep reading

Google Toolbar for Firefox

From Phil Bradley: If you’re a Firefox user, Google has now produced a version of the toolbar for the browser. Features are listed from the link: Google Toolbar Help


LA Times ‘wikitorial’ gives editors red faces This is quite funny, and serves as a warning to any organisation jumping in feet first to a new technology without fully considering the likely implications. It was the boldest of innovations. A chance for the mainstream media to strike back against the upstarts of the online world. … Keep reading

Google Blog

From Scoble: Google moves its blog to Blogger, adds blogroll Yeah, TDavid, it is an honor to be blogrolled on Google’s blog. Google recently moved its blog over to Blogger. So that’s why my previous attempts to subscribe to this have failed recently. Note to self: check this out in the morning.


Backpack is a genuinely brilliant site. It is essentially an online personal information manager, giving you the ability to maintain an online diary or keep todo lists, posts photos and all sorts.   Steve Rubel explains it far better than me.  Backpack lets you create and share lists, photos, documents and more in a wiki-like … Keep reading