The Google Toolbar Excitement

The BBC just got round to commenting on the Google Toolbar 3 upset, so maybe I ought to quickly post a summation of what’s happening. Search engine firm Google has released a trial tool which is concerning some net users because it directs people to pre-selected commercial websites. The AutoLink feature comes with Google’s latest … Keep reading

Email as database?

BBC has an article along similar lines to those I mentioned here. “If a friend is excited about a concert and that gives me an idea for a birthday gift, I will store the info on e-mail,” says Georges Harik, the man in charge of search-engine Google’s Gmail service. Stuart Anderson, Microsoft’s Hotmail business manager … Keep reading

Firefox Multiple Homepages

I only managed to figure out last night how to get Firefox to open multiple tabs on startup, each with a different page loading. And guess what? It was very simple to do. Simple set your tabs up as you want at startup, and go to options and click ‘set as home page(s)’ It’s that … Keep reading


Onfolio seems pretty cool at the moment. Here’s how the feed of this blog looked on it just now (click for larger image): It seems to integrate pretty seamlessly with Firefox, too. Just click a toolbar button to bring up the sidebar to read feeds, hit another one to subscribe to whatever you are browsing. … Keep reading