Logos – here and London 2012

I’ve created a new logo for LGNewMedia as part of the redesign of the site, so it’s a little more along the lines of that used for LGSpace. I use the ‘Crystal Clear’ graphics set as a source, which can be downloaded from Wikimedia Commons for free under the GNU Free Documentation Licence. I certainly … Keep reading

LGNewMedia 2.0

I’ve been redesigning the layout for this blog, using a cool new theme by Andreas Viklund. I like the fact that the whole width of the screen is used, and having two sidebars means that I can pack in some more useful widgets. Still no ads, though, yet! I’ll be writing about some of the … Keep reading


A flare-up of my blood sugar levels meant I had the pleasure of spending a couple of nights at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital last week, leaving me with stacks of RSS feeds to get through today, when I could face them. Still, there’s been some good stuff going on, which I’ll be posting about later.

New Wiki Section

I’ve started a new page on the LGNewMedia wiki, called the Local Government Blogger Directory. I’m working from a pretty liberal definition of what ‘local government’ means so feel free to chuck in anything that comes even close to the LGNewMedia sphere of interest!