Slow weekend for The Closed Circle

In that it stopped. Sorry. Was playing with my new toy: It’s pretty good. It can send emails, which is great, and means I can post to this blog on the move. Using Flickr I can even post pictures straight onto here which I take with the camera! Wonders will never cease. Had stacks of … Keep reading

Analogue Palm Pilot

Jason Kottke’s ‘analogue palm pilot‘: It’s simple, and it works. Always the best way.

Sex hungry roaches lured to death

No comment required. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Sex hungry roaches lured to death Synthetic sex pheromones are being developed as an ingenious way of luring randy cockroaches to their deaths.


tesco_VCard Originally uploaded by theclosedcircle. amner on Palimpsest emailed me this. How sweet and generous of him!