Charles and Camilla

The cover of the Independant was rather amusing on Friday: edit: have just thought, wouldn’t it be good if paper front pages were always like this? It would be much easier to decide whether or not to buy the thing…

Been doing a fair amount of reading today about organisation and suchlike, both personally and for at work. Here’s some of the stuff I have come across. Moleskine notebooks – these seem cool, if pricey. Loads of links about them here. 43 Folders – this seems to crop up all over the place. Originally based … Keep reading

Back … Kinda

Well, I’m back at work now, yesterday’s abortive attempt notwithstanding. I’m also obvious back in the mood to keep this thing updated again, no doubt there was wailing and knashing of teeth the world over at my continued silence…


Not much fro me today – sorry. As if anyone is reading anyway! Have the ‘flu and it’s vile. Okay, probably not the ‘flu. But a very nasty virus. I am at the same time freezing and sweating, which isn’t nice – and probably more than anyone wnated to know.

Reality Reading update

A Prayer for Owen Meany 58% [ 7 ] The Great Gatsby 41% [ 5 ] Alma Cogan 0% [ 0 ] Status Anxiety 0% [ 0 ] The Unfortunates 0% [ 0 ] Total Votes : 12 It’s looking very much like a two-horse race at the moment. Good news because I fancied having … Keep reading