Links 25/10/05

Haven’t done one of these for a while. Sorry! Joel: Something Rotten in AdSense CyberJournalist: Top 10 Reasons for Reading a News Site Google Base Was Sort of Live Phil Bradley asks which blogging system he should switch to

Links 16/9/05

Charlene Li: More on Yahoo! Mail Death to Bad Powerpoint GimpShop: The GIMP made up to look like PhotoShop – Mac only at present

Links 14/9/05

Have been so crap of late I thought I ought to bung up a bumper load of links today! Daily Telegraph: Profile of Steve Ballmer Google: Blog Search Search Engine Watch: Roundup Of Google Blog Search Commentary The Register: UK council pays £7.7m to escape outsourcing deal CNET: Gates on Google Guardian Online: Menus are … Keep reading

Links 28/8/05

Haven’t updated recently, apologies. Here’s a few links I have been reading. Robert X Cringely: 08/25/05: Has Google Peaked? John Naughton: Google grows up… John Naughton’s Observer Column on Google Talk Olivier Travers: The Microsoft Office I Really Want BusinessWeek: Google’s Grand Ambitions

Links 21/8/05

Shel Israel: 5 Reasons to Worry about Google John Naughton: Computers and masochism – links to today’s Observer column I, Cringely: Patently Absurd Kottke: So long, Technorati 43 Folders: Life inside one big text file