Links 18/8/05

BBC: Cheap laptops provoke Mac mayhem Met chief tried to stop shooting inquiry Guardian Online: Apple hack Guardian Online: Back to the fold PC World: Reading (and Writing) Blogs

Links 17/8/05

The Register: Cockney suits abuse f**king email Guardian Online: Utter Rubbish Joho the Blog: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Infocom Game Business2Blog: Outsourcing Blogs (and Splogs) to China Guardian Football: Scholes makes it easier for Eriksson

Links 16/8/05

Will start having a post with various links I have come across which don’t necessarily need any further comment from me. Rather than have a link per post, I will save them up during the day and then post when I am finished. There won’t necessarily be a post like this every day, but they … Keep reading