
I have a job interview on Friday, for a job in Scrutiny at Chester City Council. Am quite confident and am looking forward to the idea of getting back into Scrutiny. Browsing the Council’s website, it would appear that some of their councillors are blogging. Excellent!

In the News

Been listening to Radio 4 and the Today programme on the way into work recently. This morning’s news was full of interesting stuff: Galloway accused of Senate ‘lies’ – I am no fan of Galloway’s, but I do find it surprising that the Seante Committee has come out with these statements without further interviews with … Keep reading

Howard’s Parting Favour

Interesting article on Michael Howard’s signal of his intention to resign as leader of the Tories on the BBC. The last thing the Tories want is another instant resignation similar to William Hague’s the day after the 2001 election defeat. And there is no clamour for Mr Howard’s head after what most believe was an … Keep reading