The Growing Search Space

Couple of search related stories here, following my recent posting on whether or not search is broken. Mike Arrington announces that Euekster have managed to grab $5.5 million in funding. One of their products is a system for creating site specific search engines called Swickis, which also allows some user contributions in the form of voting … Keep reading

Is Search Broken?

Tom Foremski over at Silicon Vallery Watcher points out the things that annoy him about search: – There are many publishers that try to make sure their headlines catch the attention of the search engines rather than catch the attention of readers. The same is true for content, editors increasingly optimize it for the search … Keep reading

Google Tips no more

Google have removed their controversial ‘tips’ feature, according to FireFox dude Blake Ross: Google has removed the tips feature. Perhaps it was always intended as a test; I don’t know the official reason for its removal. In any case, thanks to Matt Cutts and other Googlers who listened and responded to feedback with an open … Keep reading

Search Wikia Update

One of the earliest posts on hyprtext was about the proposed new community search engine proposed by Jimmy Wales. There was quite a lot of kerfuffle about it, largely due to confusion over Amazon’s involvement, and quite a lot of debate concerning the name of the project, which everyone assumed was wikiasari. Most people agreed … Keep reading

Personalised Google by Default?

For some reason, whenever I have visited Google today, it has bounced me straight to – in other words, the Personalised Google page. This happens whether or not I am logged into my Google account. Is Google starting to abandon it’s ‘classic’ homepage? Clicking the ‘Classic Home’ link now takes me to this URL. … Keep reading