WriteWith – truly collaborative writing

Mike Arrington writes about WriteWith, a collaborative writing authoring platform which combines wikis, forums and ajax document editing. Once you have finished writing, the document can be exported to MS Office or Openoffice.org format, or even published to a blog. This could be an excellent tool for groups collaborating on documents across the web. Tags: … Keep reading

The Power of Information

The Cabinet Office are launching a review into how social media can improve public engagement and empowerment: Minister for the Cabinet Office Hilary Armstrong wants Government to harness the phenomenon of internet advice sharing sites and empower people with information that could help improve their lives. There’s no point me writing much about this, as … Keep reading


I launched the latest project under the LGNewMedia banner yesterday, a social bookmarking site for local government called LGKnowledge. It’s based on Pligg and works just fine – the only issue will be getting enough people using it to make it worthwhile. But I’m working on that. Tags: lgknowledge, pligg

What I Use

I thought it might be of use to people as an introduction to social media tools if I produced a list of some of the stuff I use on a regular basis. So here goes. I use FeedDemon to read my RSS feeds. It’s a desktop based application, rather than the browser based offerings like … Keep reading