Fixing email : inbox zero

So I posed a fair few questions in my last post about email. How about some solutions? Here’s one – inbox zero. Inbox zero is… what? A methodology? A process? A mindset? Who knows. What we do know is that it is the brainchild of Merlin Mann, a productivity expert from the US. Here’s the … Keep reading

Why email often sucks

Of all the systems we use at work, we probably spend more time in our email than anything else. I’d honestly say that at least 50% of my work is spent reading and responding to email. I’d wager that for some of you that percentage is even higher. So, we spend a lot of time … Keep reading

Add-ons for Google Docs and Sheets

Google has snuck out some rather cool new functionality to its cloud based productivity suite Google Drive. Called add-ons, you can now use them to add extra functionality to your Google Docs and Spreadsheets experience. Here’s a video explaining it all: [youtube] So what are these add-ons and what do they do? Lucky for … Keep reading

Tame your Twitter stream

Not sure how I had never come across this before, but Tame is super useful! You set up an account as with all these services, and then connect to your Twitter account. Tame then goes away and comes back with a dashboard style view, in three columns. The columns display the most popular links being … Keep reading